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Ode to Chuck Taylor

Ode to Chuck Taylor

Chuck Taylor and his all-stars are pure foot wearing

Satisfaction, out of the box with colors bright with

The rich black matte canvas as dark as coal and

White rubber so brilliant they blind like diamonds.

Chuck and entourage becomes the cherished crew

Of choice; putting spunk into each day’s outfit a

Constant companion; never failing to provide comfort

Or support. Every day, week, and month of the years

Worn along over time—like everything else,

Little Chuck—size four—and co. changes,

His bright whites fade to the dirty gray of

Winter road slush and the dark canvas

Goes salt and pepper like middle-aged hair.

Chuck and his pals weather these alterations,

Like a fine wine perfected with their ageing—

Yet, still true blue in the services they provide.

It’s only natural they fit like a second skin to

Embrace the foot’s curves in all the right places.

Weary from use, Chuck and his friends start to fall

Apart, losing their grip as rubber soles are worn away

By the miles they have tread together. Other shoes line

The closet shelves—waiting for the chance to put a new

Foot forward when Chuck Taylor and his all-stars lay

In their final resting place interred at the bottom of the closet.

But their pure foot wearing satisfaction will never be forgotten.

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